Blade of the Immortal

Blade of the Immortal

classified 18 S

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2017

Takashi Miike
Takuya Kimura, Hana Sugisaki, Sôta Fukushi |
141 mins, Subtitled, 2017, Japan| UK

Legendary director Takashi Miike (Ichi The Killer, 13 Assassins) returns with his latest film (his 100th!), a bloodsoaked samurai epic about an immortal seeking revenge.

Based on a long-running manga series, the film follows Manji (Takuya Kimura), a talented samurai cursed with immortality and seeking revenge for the murder of his sister. In his mission to fight evil, he vows to aid young orphan girl Rin, whose parents were murdered by a group of ruthless warriors...

Brilliantly choreographed, delightfully over-the-top and action-packed, Miike sure knows how to make a wild, thrilling film (plus one that's brutally comic to boot) - enjoy!

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