

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2018

Jennifer Peedom
Robert Macfarlane, Jennifer Peedom
74 mins, 2017, Australia

Sherpa director Jennifer Peedom explores the nature of our modern fascination with mountains in this mind-blowing symphony of images and sound.

Peedom explores how mountains have fuelled our imagination with passion and fear for centuries, combining archive footage of early mountaineers with majestic shots of the peaks, the daredevil climbers who scale them, and lovers of extreme sports. The new footage was shot in 21 countries by legendary mountaineer/cinematographer Renan Ozturk and others, and has been cut together with an orchestral score (played by the Australian Chamber Orchestra) drawing on Chopin, Grieg, Vivaldi, Beethoven and more.

Narrated by Willem Dafoe, who reads an evocative text by Robert Macfarlane, this is a guaranteed adrenaline rush that almost makes you feel like you've scaled a peak yourself. A meditative and mesmerising experience - it is simply a must for the big screen.

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