A Woman’s Life

A Woman’s Life

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2018

Stéphane Brizé
Judith Chemla, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Yolande Moreau
116 mins, Subtitled, 2016, France | Belgium

Stéphane Brizé (The Measure of a Man) returns with this compelling adaptation of the Guy de Maupassant novel Une Vie - a beautiful story about a woman's experiences in 19th Century Normandy.

Set in Normandy in 1819, this no-frills drama tells the story of 27 years in the life of Jeanne (Judith Chemla in a career-making role), from rural beginnings, to life married to an aristocrat, and all the painful realisations, dreams and disappointments along the way.

Shot in a nearly-square aspect ratio, A Woman's Life is a tightly composed, intricate and impressionistic work that expertly portrays life's indifferences and pressures.

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