The Post

The Post

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2018

Steven Spielberg
Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson
116 mins, 2017, USA

Steven Spielberg's super timely ode to investigative journalism centres on the battle faced by The Washington Post over the publication of the Pentagon Papers, which revealed previously undisclosed information about the US government's involvement in the Vietnam war.

Set in 1971 it stars Meryl Streep as The Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham and Tom Hanks as editor Ben Bradlee as they team up to publish the Pentagon Papers, risking everything to expose a massive cover up of government secrets related to the war in Vietnam that spanned three decades and four Presidents.

A stirring defence of the freedom of the press, it arrives at a time when the words "fake news" echo throughout the world. Spielberg said of the film "If I can't make it this year, I'm not making it" and the Independent went as far to say that the film could even be subtitled "FAO Trump". It's an important call to arms - enjoy.

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