A Fantastic Woman

A Fantastic Woman

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in March 2018

Sebastián Lelio
Daniela Vega, Francisco Reyes, Luis Gnecco
104 mins, Subtitled, 2017, Chile | Germany | Spain | USA

Winner of the Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars®, Chilean director Sebastián Lelio follows up his 2013 hit Gloria with this luminous and life-affirming gem about a young transgender woman struggling to live with her own grief - and the prejudice she suffers - after the death of her lover.

When her older lover dies one night, Marina (Daniela Vega in a knockout performance) is left shaken. The aftermath, however, is even worse: instead of being able to mourn, she is treated with suspicion by the police, spoken to like a criminal, and forced to deal with the callous (and violent) reactions of her dead partner's family. Marina is a trans woman and her sexual identity is seen as an abberation, a perversion - so she struggles for the right to be herself - a truly complex, strong, and fantastic woman...

A beautifully compassionate and tender look at the everyday obstacles of trans existence, A Fantastic Woman is a powerful, touching film.

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