Billennium Square (After Ballard)

Billennium Square (After Ballard)

part of Layered Realities Weekend 5G Showcase


Please note: This event took place in March 2018

Uninvited Guests and Duncan Speakman

Sun 18 March - 09:00 Snow update

Morning all. We are hoping that today's experiences will happen - Millennium Square is gritted and we will update when we know more. Thank you.

Join us for a guided tour, on which you take a walk through time, watching as future architecture appears before your eyes and hear what different worlds might sound like. In Millennium Square, a place which marks a significant turning point in time, Uninvited Guests and Duncan Speakman will collaborate with you to imagine possible futures for this public plaza. The tour will end with an opportunity to design tomorrow’s city and see the buildings you imagine together layered onto the Bristol of today.

Billennium Square (After Ballard) relies on data transmission between the audiences in Millennium Square and a visual artist collaborating from off site. The reduced latency of these new networks will hopefully facilitate a more dynamic and immediate dialogue.

This project is being created in collaboration with Sam Steer and F E N Y C E. Uninvited Guests are produced by Fuel

Weather Advice

This event takes places outdoors with no shelter. Please dress for the weather.

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