The Magic Flute

The Magic Flute

classified U S

Celebrating Ingmar Bergman


Please note: This was screened in April 2018

Ingmar Bergman
Josef Köstlinger, Irma Urrila, Ulrik Cold
135 mins, Subtitled, 1975, Sweden

Ingmar Bergman put his indelible stamp on Mozart’s exquisite opera in this sublime rendering of one of the composer’s best-loved works: a celebration of love, forgiveness, and the brotherhood of man.

The Queen of the Night enlists a handsome prince named Tamino (Josef Köstlinger) to rescue her beautiful kidnapped daughter, Princess Pamina (Irma Urrila). Aided by the lovelorn bird hunter Papageno and a magical flute that holds the power to change the hearts of men, young Tamino embarks on a quest for true love, leading to the evil Sarastro's (Ulrik Cold) temple where Pamina is held captive.

Shooting on a set replicating a lovely 18th-century theatre, Bergman applies an admirably light touch throughout, to deliver a film of musical excellence, dramatic vitality and enormous, effortless charm. Perhaps the most delightful film ever made from an opera, this is a sensuous cinematic treat for spring.

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