Switch Marathon Drop In Screening

Switch Marathon Drop In Screening

BBC See Hear Weekend 2018


Please note: This event took place in Feb 2018

Having first aired in 2001, Switch is a long running Deaf drama featuring a diverse cast of Deaf and hearing characters. Fondly remembered by Deaf viewers, it was groundbreaking in its portrayal of Deaf and hearing people featuring side by side.

On Saturday and Sunday in Waterside 1 (our event space through the Café/Bar) we will be running a free-drop in screening between 12:15 - 16:00 on Saturday and 12:15 - 17:50 on Sunday screening some of the iconic episodes from this landmark series including the first pilot which screened as part of See Hear's 20th anniversary.

All of the programmes are subtitled and in sign language. You don't need a ticket, feel free to drop-in for as long or as little as you like.

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