Let the Sunshine In

Let the Sunshine In

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in May 2018

Claire Denis
Juliette Binoche, Xavier Beauvois, Philippe Katerine
94 mins, Subtitled, 2017, France | Belgium

Juliette Binoche is both incandescent and emotionally raw in Claire Denis’s latest, a romantic comedy (really!) about a middle-aged Parisian woman in search of love.

Single mother Isabelle (Binoche) is back on the trail of true love after a messy divorce. Her passion burns brightly, but as she finds comfort in the arms of an array of men (including Xavier Beauvois, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Paul Blain, Alex Descas and Gérard Depardieu), she wonders just what exactly she's seeking - and whether sex and companionship are the keys to fulfilment.

Romantic comedy isn't a genre normally associated with Denis, but this isn't your normal run-of-the-mill rom-com. Denis explores the Isabelle's complicated love life in her own way, and it shines from within. This is grown up filmmaking at its best.

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