

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in April 2018

Valeska Grisebach
Meinhard Neumann, Reinhardt Wetrek, Syuleyman Alilov Letifov
119 mins, Subtitled, 2017, Germany | Bulgaria | Austria

Masculine tensions and cultural difference reach boiling point in this sizzling, brilliantly observed western from director Valeska Grisebach, where migrant German construction workers are pitched against villagers in Bulgaria.

When a group of German construction workers start work on a hydroelectric plant in the remote countryside of Bulgaria, tension brews when they immediately adopt a sense of superiority against the locals. These tensions are only worsened by former legionnaire Meinhard, who borrows a white horse from a local fixer...

With naturalistic performances (featuring a largely non-professional cast) and gorgeously photographed countryside, this is a memorable and satisying update of the western and a bold look at masculinity, community and conflict.

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