

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2018

James Ivory
Hugh Grant, James Wilby, Rupert Graves
140 mins, 1987, UK
Primary language

A sumptuous restoration of James Ivory's 1987 adaptation of E M Forster's gay love story about two Cambridge students in 1911.

While a student at Cambridge, Maurice (James Wilby) falls head over heels in love with his friend Clive (Hugh Grant in his first starring role), who returns his feelings but insists on keeping their relationship platonic. While at Clive's country house, Maurice is seduced by a lowly gamekeeper (Rupert Graves), and he becomes ever more surprised by his own passions...

A powerful, positive and candid look at gay desire in Edwardian England, this is a landmark film as important as any in the history of gay cinema.

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