Please note: This was screened in Aug 2018
Magic and fantasy combine in this thrilling Japanese animation based on the classic novel The Little Broomstick, by British author Mary Stewart. Mary is sent to live with her great aunt in the countryside when she follows a mysterious cat into the nearby woods. There she stumbles upon a flower that has magical powers and transforms a little broomstick into one that flies. Mary is soon whisked away beyond the clouds to a city in the sky, to Endor College - a school of magic!
A magical anime - the first from Studio Ponoc, which is largely made up of ex-Studio Ghibli filmmakers - that will absolutely charm young and old alike.
Screening with DepicT! short: Anyone Can Change The World (Dir: Katy Davis, 2013, 1min, 40 secs).
Part of Anim18: A Celebration of British Animation. For activities and events across the UK see
Led by Film Hub Wales and Chapter (Cardiff) working with the BFI Film Audience Network and project partners, with the support of the BFI, awarding funds from The National Lottery.