

classified 18 S

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2018

Gaspar Noe
Sofia Boutella, Romain Guillermic, Kiddy Smile
97 mins, Subtitled, 2018, France
Primary language

Argentinian provocateur Gaspar Noé (Enter the Void, Irreversible) returns to breathtaking form with this thrilling street dance/horror hybrid about a dance party that plunges into drug-induced madness.

Claiming to be based on true events (!), the film follows a group of dancers in a closed-down boarding school whose post-rehearsal punchbowl is spiked with some unknown substance, sending them spinning into a spiral of lust, violence and self-destruction. Packed with truly sensational dancing (from a huge variety of styles - they vogue and krump their way to oblivion and then some) and set to a throbbing backdrop of vintage techno, house and electronic music (Cerrone, M/A/R/R/S, Daft Punk, Aphex Twin, Dopplereffekt and more), this is intoxicating, perverse pandemonium the likes of which you have never seen.

You want something truly fresh and new? You've got it - Climax has been described as a sort of "Step Up meets mother! meets Suspiria meets Paris is Burning". Noé has created another astonishing work of pure decadence and derangement in a way that only he can - we can't wait to see you stumble out of the cinema...

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