Wall + Q&A with David Hare

Wall + Q&A with David Hare

classified 15

Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2018


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2018

Cam Christiansen
David Hare
88 mins, 2017, Canada
Primary language

A feature-length animated film written by and starring well regarded British playwright and Oscar® nominee David Hare.

Wall follows the writer on a trip to the Middle East to explore the immense impact the wall separating Israel and Palestine has had on the people of the region. Using advanced animation tools and 3D motion-capture footage, filmmaker Cam Christiansen employs a distinctive handcrafted approach that conveys the reality of the 708-kilometre barrier as no film has before. Rich with rhythmic, raw imagery, the film is framed by Hare’s journey, as both his heart and mind are shaken by the incongruities and contradictions of life in the shadow of the wall.

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