What Walaa Wants

What Walaa Wants

classified 15 S

Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2018


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2018

Christy Garland
Walaa Khaled Fawzy Tanji, Latifa Abu Draa, Mohammad Tanji
89 mins, Subtitled, 2018, Canada, Denmark
Primary language

This intimate documentary follows Walaa from aged 15 to 21, revealing her exuberant energy and is the first-ever look inside the Palestinian police academy.

Raised in a refugee camp in the West Bank while her mother was in prison, Walaa dreams of being a policewoman, wearing a uniform, avoiding marriage, and earning a salary. Despite discouragement from her family, even from her beloved brother Mohammed, Walaa applies– and gets in. But her own rebellious behaviour and a complicated relationship with her mother are challenges, as are the circumstances under which she lives.

This is the inspiring story of a young woman navigating formidable obstacles, learning which rules to break and follow, and disproving the negative stereotypes from her surroundings and the world at large.

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