

classified 18 PS

OK Composer: The Scores of Jonny Greenwood and Thom Yorke


Please note: This was screened in March 2019

Luca Guadagnino
Dakota Johnson, Tilda Swinton, Doris Hick
152 mins, Partially Subtitled, 2018, Italy
Primary language

Thom Yorke delivers a brilliantly eerie, nape-prickling soundtrack for Luca Guadagnino's (Call Me By Your Name) 'cover version’ of Dario Argento's 1977 horror classic in this delicious, dark - and feminist - reimagining.

Unfolding in Berlin in the 70s, it follows Susie Bannion (Dakota Johnson), an ambitious young dancer auditioning for a place in a prestigious school run by a coven of witchy women (including Tilda Swinton) who may in fact be actual witches. Students are disappearing, and its apparent that some kind of ancient violence lives in the school's walls - is Susie being groomed as a tool for the occult?

Thom Yorke's score manages to conjure an impressive sense of foreboding as well as moments of marvellously fragile beauty, nestled within the murky unease. A brilliant listen even without Guadagnino's haunting visuals, the Radiohead's frontman's debut score is an evocative treat for the ears.

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