Found in: ¡Viva! Tour
Quién te cantará

Quién te cantará

classified 12A S

¡Viva! Spanish & Latin American Festival 2019 Tour


Please note: This was screened in April 2019

Carlos Vermut
Eva Llorach, Najwa Nimri, Carme Elias, Natalia de Molina
124 mins, & Subtitled, 2018, Spain | France
Primary language

When a celebrated singer forgets how to perform, one of her fans steps in to teach her how to be herself again in this twisting exploration of fame, fandom, womanhood, and shifting identities.

Fading pop-star Lila wakes up in hospital after fainting in the sea off the south of Spain. She’s suffered amnesia and can’t remember her life as a performer – putting her planned return to the stage after 10 years in jeopardy. Cue Violeta: Lila’s most fervent fan who works in a karaoke bar whilst supporting her volatile daughter. She also has an incredible voice, and when Lila’s assistant Blanca sees her perform, she suggests an unusual solution: that Violetta helps Lila rediscover herself.

Drawing comparisons with Hitchcock, Bergman and Almodóvar, and voted Best Film by the critics at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, madrileño director Vermut continues to create stylish and exciting cinema packed with complex female leads. With great music, witty dialogue, dark emotions and high drama, this is a hypnotic film to disturb and delight as it unfurls in all its sophistication.

Part of ¡Viva! Spanish & Latin American Festival 2019 tour, presented by HOME, Manchester, with the support of the BFI, awarding funds from The National Lottery.

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