Wild Rose

Wild Rose

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in April 2019

Tom Harper
Julie Walters, Jessie Buckley, Sophie Okonedo
100 mins, 2018, UK
Primary language

Jessie Buckley stars in this uplifting, heartfelt drama about a Glaswegian single mum who dreams of leaving her dreary life for the bright lights of Nashville.

Fresh out of jail and with two young kids, Rose-Lynn (Buckley in a seriously knockout performance) is bursting with raw talent, pure cheek and a dream to escape Glasgow for life as a country singer in Nashville. Forced by her mum (Julie Walters) to face up to her responsibilities, Rose-Lynn gets a cleaning job for the posh Susannah (Sophie Okonedo), who soon becomes an unlikely champion for the wannabe star...

A star is most certainly born in the shape of Buckley, who is seriously incandescent, hitting the highs and lows of her character and belting out all the dazzling songs herself. Wild Rose is a total breath of fresh of air, a brilliant, uplifting story about sacrifice, love, and home, the stuff country music lyrics are made of - and what a toe-tapping joy it is.

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