Please note: This was screened in May 2019
"A not-quite-narrative sequel to Still Walking, more of an emotional continuation, Kore-eda asks us to open our hearts and let every last drop of rain pour in."
Tara Judah, Watershed Cinema Producer
A powerful story about a broken family a the father's dogged attempts to glue it back together, Kore-eda’s funny, accessible drama is as immense in feeling as it is small in scale.
Divorced father Ryota (Abe hiroshi), is a one-time novelist who can't afford to pay child support to his ex-wife, and so risks not seeing his young son, Shingo. Ryota seeks literary material by working as a detective, but as a compulsive gambler who's constantly in debt, he steals from his recently widowed mother who, in turn, looks on with cold clarity at her own lifelong disappointments. When a typhoon strikes, the whole family finds itself stuck in the elderly woman's cramped apartment, and long-stifled emotions rise to the surface.
With his usual bittersweet poise, in After The Storm Kore-eda takes a masterful look at how one failed relationship can affect all the others around it, and wonders if we ever really cast off our childhood attitudes.