Tell it to the Bees

Tell it to the Bees

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in July 2019

Annabel Jankel
Anna Paquin, Gregor Selkirk, Euan Mason
108 mins, 2018, UK
Primary language

In this captivating adaptation of Fiona Shaw’s beloved novel, Anna Paquin plays Dr Jean Markham, who has come home to the small Scottish town she left long ago to take over her late father’s practice. But not everyone is pleased to see her return.

Striking up a friendship with Lydia, the mother of one of her young patients, Jean marvels at the woman’s vivaciousness, unaware it’s a mask Lydia wears to hide her rapidly deteriorating home life. When she discovers Lydia has been abandoned by her husband and is unable to pay the rent, Jean offers Lydia a job and a place to say. Soon their tender friendship evolves into a passionate love affair, one that puts them in danger from the closed-minded community around them. Can their love survive?

Copy: Emma Smart, BFI Flare

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