Hail Satan?

Hail Satan?

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Sept 2019

Penny Lane
Jex Blackmore, Chalice Blythe, Nicholas Crowe
95 mins, 2019, USA
Primary language

Acclaimed director Penny Lane (Nuts!, Our Nixon) returns with her take on the extraordinary rise of one of the most colourful and controversial religious movements in American history - the Satanic Temple.

Lane follows core members of the Satanic Temple from their headquarters in Massachusetts, Salem, as they organise a series of public actions designed to advocate for religious freedom and challenge corrupt authority. With their primary mission being “to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people”, it’s evident that there’s more to the group than meets the eye - and together, they prove that with little more than a clever idea, a sense of humour and a few rebellious friends, you can speak truth to power, and spark positive change, in some truly profound ways…

With less of a focus on embracing Satanism and more on understanding it, Lane provides a thought-provoking and timely look at a group of often misunderstood outsiders whose unwavering commitment to social and political justice has empowered thousands of people around the world.

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