BBFC's 10th Birthday
Samurai Cop, screening as part of BBFC's 10th Birthday

BBFC's 10th Birthday


Please note : this season finished in Aug 2023

This year, the other BBFC (the Bristol-based one that is) is celebrating its 10th birthday!

And they're celebrating in style with a double bill screening of Cade: The Tortured Crossing (which had its premiere at London's Sci-Fi Film Festival in June) and the 1991 direct-to-video epic Samurai Cop.

Previous screenings in this season

Samurai Cop

classified 18 BBFC's 10th Birthday
Samurai Cop
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Prepare to question everything you thought you knew about roundhouse kicks, thongs, katana beheadings - and good filmmaking - in the fantastically terrible straight-to-video Samurai Cop.

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