The story of Henbury’s first ever Fun Day.
This story was made in a four and a half day training workshop for facilitators and artists working in Henbury. It was led by Aikaterini Gegisian, Liz Milner and Paddy Uglow with support from Helen Boal and was supported by Bristol’s Museums, Galleries & Archives.
[Fairground music plays throughout] September 1st, the last day of the summer holidays saw the first EVER Henbury Fun Day. The idea had been raised at the Henbury Conference.
[Ted’s voice] “First of all, when we had our annual conference we decided we would have money for youth.”
The event was a true community effort – bringing together all residents and workers Henbury.
[Participant’s voice] “I helped to man a stall for the St Peter’s Hospice in company with two or three ladies.”Maddy and the Socuts, the YIP (Youth Inclusion Project) kids and Nick, the Community Police Man ran stalls. Simply everyone was involved in this team effort.
Cyril donated items for the Hospice stall:
[Cyril’s voice] I did, I think it was a tea tray
Lisa’s YIP kids made healthy snacks to sell
[Lisa’s voice] “We had a stall on which they sold the healthy option fruit stick.”
Louiza, a local mum, offered holistic therapies and the Churches worked together to promote their message.
[Sue’s voice] “Feeding the people as it were, as they come past. Why not?”
Derek our local councillor donated his orange gazebo for Cheryl to do her questionnaires in. And the High Sheriff dressed up in ladies clothes to create a stir [wolf whistle]
The sum of lots of little parts made for a fantastic event. Even the thoughts of those who couldn’t attend added to the spirit.
“Dear heather, Thank you for including us in your postal information. However my wife and I are 83 and 84 and I am handicapped. So our help can only be in encouraging your valiant efforts and wishing you good sailing”
[Sue’s voice] “I think it was a rich day, a colourful day in very, very many different ways, and a warm and friendly loving day really, I think I could say.”
Fairground music created by, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence.
Photographs created by North Bristol Camera Club, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence.
Photographs created by Office of the High Sheriff, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence. was a Watershed project from that ran from 2005 - 2007
in partnership with M Shed
with support from Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives and Bristol City Council