Snapshot Story
Brenda Cook
In the story, the precautions Brenda’s mother took with her metal cutlery were probably out of fear of electrocution!
I am Brenda Cook and I live at Brentry House and I do my poetry and my art and I enjoy every part of it and it is very interesting.
I could go on for quite a long while and I am 71 and I’ve got lots more stories to tell you.
I am going to give you three snapshot stories of my life in Bristol
The first is when I lived in Redfield.
This story happened when I was very young. I lived with my gran, she covered her knives and forks and we went down in the cellar until my brothers come home and then we came out and they wondered where we’d been.
And why it was so dark? It was thunder and lightening.
And why she covered the knives and forks because she didn’t like the thunder and lightening. It was dark.
And she thought she’d get struck by thunder and lightening
The second snapshot is when I worked in a day nursery at Clifton Down.
I was 39 at Oakfield Rd Day nursery and I was hanging out the children’s washing and I hung out their little vests, their knickers, their little underclothes. Now I’m going to draw you a picture.
And why I liked hanging out the children’s clothes cause it smelled nice and fresh and the air was good
And now the third snapshot where I am now living at Brentry House Elderly People’s Home.
We’re all sat around the table waiting for our lunch and then Paul tells us jokes to us to make us all laugh.
This is Lilian, my friend, and this is what Paul says to her. He askses her if she’d like to go to bed with him and she says: No thank you. She says I’ve had enough of men.
It’s coming to the end now and everyone likes my poetry and my paintings and my drawings and they askses me lots of questions on what I’d a do and I do tell them and they are very interested.
And I am happy to share my pictures with you