Dreams and Memories
Jacky Long
Artist and poet Roy Tanner died in 2006. Jacky shares her happy memories of him as she shows us around her flat.
Both artists have work on dShed.net/digitised: Jacky Long and Royston Tanner.
My name is Jacky Long. I am an artist
I’m going to use my paintings to tell you my story
My story is to tell you about getting my flat in Brentry where I live now, independently
I always dreamed about getting my own place when I lived at home with my mother. That’s what I always kept onto my mother about, I wanted to get a flat of my own.
I’m a disabled person it took me three and a half years to get my flat. I had to sign a lot of papers and I had to go through all the channels like and I had to get a social worker to help me to do that because it is difficult for a disabled person to get a flat on their own like I did and it was really hard.
Welcome to my flat come on in and I’ll show you around
This flat holds my dream and memories
Well, I’ve got a smoke alarm in my flat and it goes off every time you cook anything.
Roy waved the tea towel to knock off the smoke alarm
This is the kitchen where I do my washing up and cooking.
He would wash and I would dry.
This is the bathroom, I won’t tell you what I do in there that’s private to me
I remember love songs coming from the bathroom
Here’s my sitting room with the telly and the settee that I sit on
Side by side on the sofa but not now
Here’s my bedroom where I sleep
Keep the curtains drawn
Turn back the clock
And stop it
My flat holds lots of memories and stories
Thank you for visiting, goodbye. You’re being chucked out now!