Media Coverage
What is being said about Media Sandbox?
Media Sandbox 2010
Media Sandbox | Mint Magazine | 05.04.11
The Procedural Generation | Edge Magazine | 03.11
Introducing: The Alphasphere | SkaterGirl | 24.03.11
AlphaSphere: Making Sound Feel New | Jotta | 23.03.11
Editor's Blog: Thank you, ladies | Computer Weekly | 23.03.11
Introducing the AlphaSphere | | 17.03.11
Media Sandbox Showcase | iNets South West | 25.02.11
Ella Romanos shows that women CAN lead the digital revolution | Plymouth University Insight | 25.02.11
Opening Up Government: Blossom Bristol | | 24.02.11
Mutant Labs Introduces New Control | | 23.02.11
Do we really own our digital content and devices? | Digital Planet, BBC World Service | 22.02.11
Voice controlled games demonstrated | bitgamer | 22.02.11
IT women's award nomination for Remode boss | Develop | 22.02.11
Top Showcase for Digital Innovation | Bristol Evening Post | 19.02.11
Playing in the (Media) Sandbox | Gamer Gyrl | 18.02.11
Seven get chance to practice innovation for its own sake | Design Week | 17.02.11
Introducing Three New Games | Gamasutra | 16.02.11
Technological epiphanies: why I’m looking forward to the Media Sandbox Showcase | DCMS Blog | 10.02.11
Bristol: the UK’s answer to Silicon Valley | DCMS Blog | 25.01.2011
Media Sandbox new digital commissions | Arts Council England | 15.10.10
View Press Release | Media Sandbox Announces 2010 Commissions | 14.09.10
In previous years
Street Art Dealer: Spray it, sell it | Wired | 12.03.10
Drom: the street game that explores life on the road | Wired | 04.11.09
Can you hear the bells and whistles? | The Times | 01.07.09
Jools launches gem of a concept to light up lives | Western Morning News | 07.05.09
Tech Weekly: On the road in Bristol | Guardian Technology Podcast | 26.05.09
New Software for Sensory Rooms | Special - the nasen magazine | 05.09
Simon Games showcase at SXSWi | BBC News | 14.03.09
Creative Communities | Business Link | 05.08
Mobile's uniqueness makes truly pervasive media feasible | New Media Age | 17.04.08
Pursuit of happiness | Epigram Online | 02.08
Happy funding for Bristol's new media projects | Guardian Digital Content Blog | 11.02.08
Media Sandbox awards £50k to digital media projects | Digital Arts | 08.02.08
In blogs
A Common Civic Language: Bristol's Open Data Project
A note on the Media Sandbox Showcase Event from Sambrick's Blog
Street Art Dealer... Innovative New Show from Steal From Work
PSFK: Bringing Commercial Potential to Street Based Art
Artists put the ‘Art’ back into Street Art with QR Codes
Cut Out The Middleman -
Innovative Street Art Selling on Cakehead Loves Evil
Jools Holland on Channel Bee
The Benefits of Music and Technology
Hunting the bowler hat at SXSW
New era predicted for gaming industry
igfest: 19-21 september, bristol
Education shaped & bristol fashion
There's something about Bristol
Silicon Avon - startups doing it ‘Bristol fashion’
Gameplan: strategies for survival in a digital future game playing
Physical cartooning Comfort of strangers in nyc
Sandbox sundown
Small business issues - no advertising : business grants/funding?
Media sandbox final event report