Projects 2008
Korean Lazer Ball by SlingShot, part of igfest
by Simon Evans and Simon Johnson
The Swarm project culminated in the Comfort of Strangers – a street game in which players scored points by identifying and keeping close to their team mates, whilst avoiding the other team. Players carried Hewlett-Packard iPaq PDAs that were set to detect other devices nearby and drive player's scores up or down.
Influenced by Swarm Intelligence - a type of artificial intelligence based on the group behaviour of decentralised systems such as insects - Simon Johnson and Simon Evans explore street games that connect people locally to promote social effect and solve problems. Games can be informative, thought-provoking or just plain fun. Drawing on the history of storytelling, theatre and cinema, games have the power to provide rich, and often moving experiences.
Simon Johnson and Simon Evans have since formed Slingshot, a company that creates social game experiences: