Cidade Campus: Re-imagining the possibility of the smaller city
The Open City team is in production in Guimarães for the Cidade Campus on the 2nd & 3rd November. The event will be hosted by both new institutions Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade and The Design Institute.
Over the course of two days Open City will be represented through keynote addresses by Charles Leadbeater on the Hospitable City, Dick Penny (CEO Watershed) on Open Culture, Marleen Stikker (CEO Waag Society) on Open Technology and Greg Hadfield on Open Government.
In addition Open City will stage a Planning the City workshop hosted by Tom Inns (University of Dundee) which will take an interactive, and physical, approach to imagining future legacy and opportunity. We will also explore the Smaller Smart City concept through a chaired panel of experts, including Clare Reddington plus representatives from LCD and Minho University.
Alongside the Cidade Campus, Open City will stage an exhibition of the amazing images of Guimarães from the sky created through the James Bridle intervention (aerial pictures which now belong to Guimarães), and in another location install an exhibition of the Future Guimarães film, along with images, illustrations and a film documenting the Give Me Back My Broken Night theatre piece staged last week.
Full details here>>>>Cidade Campus Programme (PDF)
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