Getting inflated with Simon McKeown…

foreground - a camera man kneels on the floor, a camera on a tiny tripod inches high. Behind, Simon Mckeown unravels a grey deflated inflatable


We had our first shoot this week with Simon McKeown… at an inflatables factory.

Simon’s Unlimited commission is about taking his world travelling exhibition Motion Disabled one phase further – with new footage and subjects, a new iPhone app  - and a 10 metre high inflatable avatar.

It will be one of the highest structures that Imagine Inflatables have ever created – and features the avatar created by capturing the motion of actor and kick boxer Mat Fraser.

Our  shoot this week captured the drawings, the conversations, the models and the materials – and conversations about genetics, eugenics and the future. Next time we’re going to capture the inflatable in situ. Coming soon to a city near you! The exact ‘tour’ is still being confirmed, so watch this space…

Simon sits at a table, smiling at the camera. He is with a woman and being filmed by two camera men.