I don’t want to join the circus – I just wanted to catch up with the cast of Box of Frogs, Stumble danceCircus’s fantastic exploration of bipolar disorder and all things circus. Turns out I would need a private jet to catch up with all of them.
Mish is at home – we went to film her second PUSH ME short this week – catching her resting up after working for Graeae on Prometheus Awakes as aerial advisor and with Claire Cunningham to re-mount another piece of hers called Mobile.
She is also working on a street show for ‘Molly Orange’, called Little Wonder which is a walking globe duet about discovery and play.
The So and So Circus Theatre production that she directed; Backgammon for Beginners is going to be re-mounted for a two week stand at Jacksons Lane in September 2012 so soon she will be re-rehearsing that.
Mish is also working on future plans for Stumble. She has started to form the fundraising and production plan for an outdoor parade piece called Parade of Horribles, which will involve an outdoor parade of live circus disciplines and sculpture.
Mish also spoke about having been inspired by her Unlimited process:
There is also a very embrionic show forming that will take as its’ very starting point total inclusion and will seek an approach to totally inclusive communication of physical circus skills to inform all dramaturgy, choreography and scenography. This has emerged out of my interest in the approach to audio description and bsl performance interpretation for Box of Frogs.
As for the performers: Howard Jacobs has been performing with Les Commandos Percus, Lyn Routledge has been all over the place – Dubai with Alice in Wonderland and South Korea with Incandescence and soon, Brighton for The European Aerial Dance Festival.
So and So have been performing at Boom Boom Club at the South Bank Centre. Paddy Waters has been travelling the length and breadth of the country with the Torch Relay. Silvia Pavone has been involved in research and development through a Circus Space Lab Time award towards isolation work with hoop
If thats not enough, the musical team has also completed the recordings for their cd of Box of Frogs music by Howard Jacobs and Simon King, with input from Daniel Weaver and a special appearance by Paddy Steer. Recorded and produced by Sam Weaver, this was made possible by our pushmeplease project funding.
I’ve got a copy and I have to say its stunning.