Film: Psycho – Screening with Live Orchestra

Janet Leigh in Psycho
Shin_LoveLife goes to watch the horror classic ‘Psycho’ for the first time, and it’s soundtracked by a whole orchestra
Believe it or not, this was my first time watching Psycho but not my last, and I must say it was an awesome way to watch one of the greatest films of all time. Anthony Gabriele and British Sinfonietta Orchestra players performed the infamous ‘Psycho’ soundtrack effortlessly. It was so well executed, I forgot they were there at times.
Hitchcock’s 1960’s Oscar-nominated classic ‘Psycho’ is about the investigation of the disappearance of Marion Crane – also known as… the woman that gets killed in that famous horror shower scene.

The audience at the Colston Hall
The evening at the Colston Hall contained confrontation, laughter and much applause – from the audience. Although it was a near full house, the performance by conductor Anthony Gabriele and the British Sinfonietta Orchestra was first class.
Hitchcock’s direction means you’re always on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what’s going to happen next. The character development of Norman Bates stood out to me. His awkward body language shines through and the audience reacted more when he was onscreen.
With the film being over 50 years old, I did notice how we as an audience have become more desensitised to violence. In this day and age, we are used to mutated humans or paranormal activity to scare our socks off. The intention during the time of release would have been to frighten you. Now it is taken as dark comedy. This mainly occurred during the murder scenes with people floating downstairs to their death, or inaccurate stabbing. Hitchcock was responsible for the birth of the psychological thriller.
Overall this was a marvellous experience and it was a joy to see a mixture of generations and classes at this event. In future it would be good to see more young film fanatics or musicians at these events so they can experience cinema with a twist. Thank you Colston Hall and British Sinfonietta – I commend you.
Conductor: Anthony Gabriele
Leader: William Hillman
For those of you that have not seen the film, here is the trailer for the 1960’s classic.