Got Milk(s)? The Ultimate Milk Taste Test
Tired of her work colleagues making fun of her ‘weird’ non-dairy milk choices, Sammy Jones set them a milky challenge they’d never forget. Watch the video of her subjecting the Rife team to five alternative milks.
Milk. Milky milk. Your standard dairy usually comes from dear old Daisy the cow, but recently, a whole new crop of non-dairy milks, like almond, soya (sweet and unsweet), rice, even hemp… have hit the shelves. Here’s the Rife office trying them out. The results are, quite frankly, ridiculous.
Prepare the yuck faces and unleash the milks of hell.
Tried any of these bad boys? Has soy been your saviour? More of an almond appreciator? Let us know @rifemag or on Faceblob