Living With Disability: Tegan’s Story (Animation)
This is a short-film that I wrote to make people aware of what it is like to live with a disablity. I want people to learn from my life experences.
In my first year of school I was getting stared at a lot
In my first year of school I was getting stared at a lot, no one appeared to have the guts to ask me anything. So my mum approached the school and asked the teacher to encourage everyone in my year to do a little PowerPoint about themselves to share in tutor groups.
My teacher thought that my PowerPoint was really good, educational and inspiring. She wanted me to show it to other students in school. So I changed my PowerPoint a bit to give people a real look at what’s it’s like living with different abilities. I wanted my school friends to understand more about me and that I’m not that different after all – approach me I won’t bite.
I felt I needed to answer questions they felt too awkward, which meant they stopped and stared instead.
I felt I needed to answer questions they felt too awkward, which meant they stopped and stared instead. My mum encouraged me to ask one of her friends to find someone to turn it into a short animation. I’m so glad about that it’s tells my story with a big smile just how I want it.
I chose to do it as a animation because I thought this way all ages would enjoy it and understand a lot in a short space of time. I know children would much rather watch a animation than a short life story with me actually in it, I would to.
Don’t let your life be controlled by negative things or ignorance. Concentrate on the good things in life and enjoy them. Share knowledge with others – because you only live once make the best of it.
What do you think of Tegan’s film? Inspiring stuff, yes? Talk to us: @rifemag

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