Am I A Bad Kid?

Jay is a 19-year-old college student from Bristol. In this short documentary, Jay explores the lack of support that the school system provides for excluded kids and young people with diverse needs. Along the journey, Jay reflects upon his own struggles with being excluded from school, and how being labelled as a 'bad kid' has damaging effects for a young person's development.

This documentary was made by young people on the BFI Film Academy programme and delivered by Watershed.

Director/Producer – Esther Weisselberg
Researcher/Producer – Ayaan Hassan
Producer/Lead Contributor – Jay Guyatt
Camera – Lily Hennefeld, Abdimalik Abdullahi, Elias Williams
Sound Recordists – Reza Bharwani, Kit Hawitt
Boom Operator – Kit Hawitt
Editors – Reza Bharwani, Abdimalik Abdullahi
Music – Josh Hinchliffe
BFI Film Academy Mentor – Elias Williams

Posted on Thu 25 June 2020.

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