REACH: Strategic Audience Development 

  • Wed 26 Sept – Mon 12 March, 2018

    REACH: Strategic Audience Development 

    Birmingham & London

Taking place in Birmingham and London, this long course is a valuable opportunity for exhibitors to analyse how they can be inclusive and inviting spaces for all members of their communities.

The course brings you together for three days of inspiration in September, followed by a live project in your venue with guidance from a matched expert. Finally, exhibitors come together again in March to share learnings and build best practice.

You can apply for bursaries to support travel, accommodation or enrolment fees by following this link.

Find out more here and make sure you apply before 8th August


At the time I took part in the course I had little to no programming experience and was learning on the job; as the sole film programmer for a large arts venue the course was invaluable in helping me develop my skills early on; I was able to bring back tangible plans for better understanding our audiences, to examine and develop what we offer them…In the time since I was able to propose a new business model, using the audience development plan that I developed on REACH as a starting point, and we’ve seen an increase in audience figures to our film programme of 44% between then and now”

  • REACH 2016 participant

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