Supported Activity

Film Hub South West supports a range of activity through the Audience Development Pitch Pot.  The purpose of this funding is to enable Film Hub Members to extend their audience development plans to reach new cinema audiences, through targeted marketing or bespoke additional activity.

Below you will find details of some the different projects that have been supported over the past year.

Wyldwood Arts REEL STORIES - Photo by Camilla Adams


Pressure and Polyland – Bristol Radical Film Festival

Bristol Radical Film Festival are expanding their programme this year to reach new audiences, in particular local LGBT+, BME and refugee communities who are affected by recent surges of right-wing and socially conservative activity around the world. Working with partner and host venue Trinity Centre, which serves as a central space that welcomes all communities, screenings will include Pressure (1975) – the first British feature by a black director – Stranger in Paradise (2016), a comprehensive study through docu-drama of the immigration debate, made by actual refugees with filmmakers in the Netherlands – and Polyland (2017), the story of three women facing discrimination in Poland, due to being of colour and/or LGBT.  All films demonstrate positive and progressive viewpoints and understanding, while Pressure has the added benefit of bringing the significant cultural heritage of black British cinema, particularly for audiences of the Windrush generation. Pitch Pot funds will be used specifically for additional marketing costs to increase awareness within a diverse audience for these screenings.

Pitch Pot Award: £500

Priority: Diversity, Inclusion & Access

Admissions: 120

REEL STORIES – Wyldwood Arts

Wyldwood Arts are producers of social arts projects. They aim to give a platform and champion unheard voices through a range of arts activities. Committed to increasing audience participation in the arts, they work with a range of groups and participants, including those from diverse backgrounds.

Pitch Pots funds will be used to support the strategic marketing and co-creation for Reel Stories – an intergenerational film festival that will engage young people and older adults as film-makers and audiences. Working with residents from the Cote Lane site, with St Monica Trust, Wyldwood aim to reach a diverse target audience using film, culminating in a weekend of public facing film related activity on the grounds of the site at Cote Lane.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Diversity, Inclusion & Access, Cultural Engagment

Admissions: 300


Getting Together Through Films – Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge

Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge are working with Lorena Pino to curate ‘Getting Together Through Films’, a community cinema project that aims to build a bridge between people from around the world who live in the area, using film as a resource for a better mutual understanding. With Pitch Pot support Lorena will be using the power of cinema as a universal language to reach out to African, West Indian, Asian and Middle Eastern communities and create a discussion around different cultures. Getting Together Through Films creates a safe environment to start a dialogue and share ideas from the films and conversation is enriched by the personal experiences of those in the audience and how they relate to the stories on screen. Films screening in this season include Horace Ové’s 1975 film, PressureBritain on Film: South Asian Britain and the award-winning documentary, Gaza Surf Club. The cinematic experience will be expanded with a taste of new flavours from different cuisines and music!

Pitch Pot Award (as part of Beyond Boundaries): £1,000

Priority: Diversity, Inclusion & Access

Admissions: 210


Encounters Deaf Shorts – Fleet Film

Fleet Film want to engage with the local deaf community by using the Encounters Deaf Shorts Programme for a special event this summer at The Harlington, Fleet. This will provide an introduction to the world of cinema and attract an audience that does not attend Fleet’s main foreign language programme. Film Hub support will enable Fleet Film to partner with Helen Oxlade, Southern Counties Manager for DeafPlus and Tracey Wade, Sensory Inclusion Adviser, Guilford Diocese to present the screening and to target this new audience.  Fleet Film’s ambition is to create a special experience for this audience group and introduce them to the Fleet Film programme, which is nearly always subtitled.

Pitch Pot Award: £126

Priority: Diversity, Inclusion & Access

Admissions: 50


Young Programmers – Bridport Arts Centre

Bridport Arts Centre wants to boost its reach for film. One of the lowest engaged markets is the 16-25 year old age range. Pitch Pot support will enable Bridport Arts Centre to employ a young programmer to focus on the film programming, added activities and marketing to serve key youth groups in the area. Funding will support a season of screenings and events targeted specifically at younger audiences aged 16 – 25 to include audience development, programming, marketing, event management and evaluation.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,750

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 450


Young People Heritage Cinema Takeover – Gloucester Guildhall

With Film Hub support Gloucester Guildhall will be working with a cohort of twenty 16-18 year olds, to programme a series of film screenings as part of Gloucester History Festival. This support will enable Gloucester Guildhall to work in partnership with Gloucester History Festival, Gloucestershire Archives, Art of Libraries, Create Studios and Independent producer Hannah Brady to provide training and expertise in cinema programming and knowledge of archive film and archiving for the young cohort. The young people will be a programming strand entitled Inspirational women to include four feature film screenings with complementary archive shorts, aimed at young audiences.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 350


Battleships of the Silent Era – No6 Cinema

Working with South West Silents and the National Museum of the Royal Navy, No6 Cinema will present four films (two with live accompaniment) in a mini silent season over three evenings in Portsmouth.  Recent digitisation of these silent films makes them accessible to audiences in a way that would never have been possible just a few short years ago. No 6 aims to engage not only the history lovers of the community but also to open the eyes of young filmmakers of the future to this fascinating archive. Film support will enable No 6 to employ a young ambassador from the University of Portsmouth’s Film and TV degree course to promote and publicise the long weekend of films.

Pitch Pot Award: £740

Priority: Screen Heritage

Admissions: 500


Dementia Friendly Screenings – Portsmouth Film Society

Portsmouth Film Society provide a year-round programme of international and specialised film, including outdoor cinema events and one-off special events. With Pitch Pot support, Portsmouth Film Society aims to work with Portsmouth City Council and Kings Theatre Portsmouth to pilot a series of Dementia Friendly screenings to provide accessible cinema for those living with Dementia in the City.

Pitch Pot Award: £600

Priority: Diversity, Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 300


Cine Queer: LGBT+ Film Season – Exeter Phoenix

Exeter Phoenix is partnering with Exeter Pride to deliver an LGBT+ Film Season in the run up to the main Pride event on the 12th May 2018.  As Exeter Pride begins to expand their cultural offer as part of their 10th Anniversary edition of Pride in Exeter, this provides Exeter Phoenix with an exciting opportunity to expand its inclusivity and diversity with LGBT+ audiences.

With Film Hub support Exeter Phoenix will be able to platform a season of significant and accessible LGBT+ film programming and start the discussion with audiences around areas of sexuality, gender, identity, inclusion and acceptance. The season will include relevant current releases, archive feature film, documentary and short film.  The Pitch Pot will be used to market the season to reach those outside of Exeter Phoenix’s regular film attending audience and build on connections and partnerships that were initiated with the LGBT+ content as part of the Scandifilm programme last year.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Diversity, Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 300


Common Ground – Harvest Film Festival

Harvest Film Festival explores our relationship to farming, food and land through its curated programme of fiction, documentary, art and archive films. It also encourages communities, especially in remote rural areas, to get together, celebrate their locality and the season, and see films that they would not otherwise watch. As well as bringing communities together in places where there is little or no cultural activity, the festival wishes to explore how film and agricultural activities can exist side-by-side.

Pitch pot support will enable the Harvest Film Festival to expand to new venues in Dorset and Somerset and will support a young ambassador to develop a marketing strategy aimed at reaching young audiences in rural communities.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences + Engaging Audiences

Admissions: 300


Compass Presents – Celluloid Sail

Celluloid Sail is a unique archive, film and circus experience aboard the Tall Ship Kaskelot. Using a multi-artform approach, located archive footage is projected onto the sails of the Kaskelot in harbours across the UK. Specially constructed screens and audio installations are hidden within the bowels of the ship, ready for audiences to discover. As night falls, the vessel then transforms into an expanded cinema; before the film starts, audiences sat on the water’s edge are treated to an archive film infused live circus performance on the ship’s rigging.Celluloid Sail was the BFI’s flagship and only touring production for their ‘Coast & Sea’ themed, third and final year of ‘Britain On Film’; a programme dedicated to engaging audiences with archive film.

Pitch pot funding will support additional activity focusing on engaging young audiences with Celluloid Sail to include partnership working with colleges, universities and young people’s charities in tour cities and to promote event to young audiences, through competitions, and volunteer positions within the young communities associated with these orgs (Plymouth Uni, Belfast Uni, Belfast City College, UWE, Tomorrow’s People, Queens Film Theatre).Additional marketing to / engaging young audiences via social media and through printed materials/

Pitch Pot Award of £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences + Screen Heritage

Admissions: 500 (theses admissions are in addition to those captured as part of Britain on Film funding which will be accounted for separately).


Shextreme Film Festival – On Tour

An annual one-day festival celebrating women in extreme sports and adventure for audiences in Bristol.

Showcasing active women both on screen and behind the lens, Shextreme Film Tour’s purpose is to empower and inspire aged 16 – 30 women with a love for adventure. Funding will support an expansion of the Festival to venues in the South West: Exeter Phoenix, Lighthouse Cinema Newquay and The Poly in Falmouth and enhanced marketing strategy in collabiration with Neon Stash: UK’s leading PR company in action sports with a particular passion for women in adventure and Claire-Jane Carter, an award-winning adventure filmmaker.

Pitch Pot Award of £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 300


C-Fylm – Films for Our Future

C Fylm is Cornwall’s film club network, supporting community venues to screen films for their local audience. C Fylm offers people across Cornwall the chance to watch great films in their own community, in great company, and at an affordable price.

Pitch Pot funding will support 5 additional screenings of documentary films with discussions around topical and diverse subjects as a new strand in programming to create opportunities for audiences in Cornwall with increased opportunites to engage with specialised film. Funding will support targetted marketing for these screenings to reach new audiences in Cornwall as well as speaker fees for discussion panels.

Pitch Pot Award: £750

Priority: Engaging Audiences

Admissions: 240


mac birmingham – Black Britain on Film – Griot Elders Project

As part of a wider audience engagement initiative mac is developing a relationship with Afro-Caribbean elders in the north Birmingham areas of Aston and Newtown. After the closure of The Drum arts centre last year, cultural opportunities in the area are sparse and engagement in the arts is extremely low, particularly amongst older demographics. mac has partnered with the Black Arts Forum to produce the Griot Elders Project, engaging elders within these locations through storytelling, dance, music and art. The aim is to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, revive the arts in the community, and dispel assumptions that our venue is out of reach or unsuitable. More information on Griot Elders Project can be found at:

Pitch Pot funding will support travel and subsistence costs to enable participants to attend a screening of Black Britain on Film at mac removing any difficulty or barriers to access. Giving an opportunity for the group to start getting to know each other, to experience a unique cultural offering otherwise out of reach for them, and to establish an association between the project and mac as a cultural venue in order to build familiarity with the venue, and secure longer-term engagement with mac, and the arts generally.

Pitch Pot Award £870

Priority: Access & Inclusion + Screen Heritage

Beneficiaries: 42


Stroud Film Festival – Audience Development

Stroud Film Festival is planning four events over the next year outside of the festival run to maintain and build on our audience by reaching out to different members of the community and involving them with film events, which continue our aim of widening participation in film audiences.

Pitch Pot funding will support audience development activity to include 4 screening events with surrounding activity and an enhanced marketing strategy including website development.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Prioirty: Young Audiences + Engaging Audiences

Admissions: 300


Cornwall Film Festival – Discovery Young Programmers Award

Cornwall Film Festival creates film events, special screenings and produces an education programme annually

Pitch pot support will enable CFF to set up and run a Young programmers award at the 2017 Cornwall Film Festival to engage the next generation of cultural ambassadors. The aim will be to boost the reach of film titles & cultural engagement for young audiences and to grow the engagement of 16-30 year olds with British independent and specialised film.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 300


Bristol Palestine Film Festival – Young Audiences Outreach

The aim of the Bristol Palestine Film Festival (BPFF) is to bring Palestine-related cinema, arts and culture to the widest possible audience. In doing so, the festival hopes to deepen public understanding of Palestinian society and forge links between the Palestinian communities represented on screen, and the audiences watching them in Bristol. BPFF aims to reach out to new audiences and encourage them to watch films they may not otherwise seek out.

Pitch pot funding will support the development of new activity within the Bristol PFF focused specifically on young audiences, as well as extending marketing activity this year to reach out to a wider audience.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,450

Priority: Young Audiences + Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 350


Portable Pictures – Deliverance at Beeses

Teaming up with Beeses Riverside Bar and Bristol Ferry, Portable Picture will stage the ultimate outdoor screening of John Boorman’s 1972 thriller Deliverance complete with hog roast and option to arrive by boat.

Pitch pot funding will be used to extend marketing of the event to reach a wider audience

Pitch Pot Award: £100

Priority: Engaging Audiences

Admissions: 100


FilmBath – Marketing & Outreach

Our mission is to champion and showcase diversity on screen and behind the camera to as inclusive an audience as possible, and to inspire exhibitors to programme more diverse films both in the UK and beyond.

Funding will be used to support a series of outdoor screenings in deprived areas of Bath and a new, enhanced marketing campaign for the festival to ensure that as many people as possible know about the festival and the films on offer. To build a younger audience to empower the next generation of audiences to advocate for film to be central to our culture and to create the opportunity for EVERYONE to participate in the rich culture of film and discussion at the festival

Pitch Pot Award: £1,500

Priority: Young Audiences + Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 1,170


C Fylm  – Liskerrett Youth Film Club

C Fylm will help to establish to a youth-led film club at The Liskerrett Centre, Liskeard, in partnership with Liskerrett Youth Club, which is run by Young People Cornwall. Young People Cornwall is a local charity who support work with 8–25 year olds through specialist projects and programmes addressing issues that marginalise or place young people at risk, including mental health, homelessness, crime, racism, sexuality, drug & alcohol use, abuse, rural isolation and poverty.

With Pitch Pot support C Fylm will start a regular film club that is organised and run by the young promoters from Liskerrett Youth Club with support from their volunteers. Starting with monthly screenings in October, November and December 2017, beginning with a Halloween themed film/party evening. In November the Youth Club will be producing their own programme for a film club evening, and in December hosting a Christmas film event. Together we will provide support and training for the Young Promoters in programming, marketing, technical training, customer service and event organisation.

Pitch Pot Award: £1,100

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 110


The Roses – Film Marketing Assistant

Specialist film Marketing capacity to support a series of cultural film events focussed on reaching out to new and diverse film audiences through targeted online and community marketing, with a special focus on 16-30 age group audiences and promoting The Roses’ accessible offer. They will work solely on film marketing, taking on title specific social media campaigns, community engagement, wrap around activity and film project marketing along with the more general marketing of the film programme as a whole, to ensure that the widest possible audience will be reached.

Pitch Pot Award: £1509

Priority: Young Audiences + Engaging Audiences + Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 750


Light House Media Centre – Light House Horror Season

To offer a season of horror film screenings in conjunction with the University of Wolverhampton’s undergraduate film studies degree lectures. The programme will consist of showings of classic and contemporary horror films preceded with talks from film specialists from the University of Wolverhampton. The talks will be accessible to all and the films have been selected in partnership with the film studies lecturers and Light House.

The pitch pot funding will help to support targeted marketing materials, Facebook boosts and the creation of print materials that will be distributed to local independent pubs, clubs and youth groups. The funding will also help to cover postage costs for bulk distribution that we don’t normally have available to us in our existing marketing budget.

Pitch Pot Award: £300

Priority: Young Audiences + Engaging Audiences

Admissions: 400


Windrose Rural Media Trust – Archive For Under-Represented Groups Pilot Project

Windrose is in the initial stages of developing a major project which will use archive film from its extensive collection in work with people coping with Alzheimer’s, learning difficulties and hearing loss and with LGBT+ groups. Pitch pot funding would support badly needed pilot work to discover how best to prepare and use archive films in these contexts. It will enable Windrose to design the major project proposal with the confidence that what is being attempting will work and with knowledge of the issues that have to be faced. It will also enable Windrose to gather important feedback from the groups with which they work and from carers, making archive films relevant and valuable to groups well beyond established audiences. A further result of the pilot project will be that Windrose will have more sequences of archive film in a usable state for other shows which are aimed at the general pubic, which go on indefinitely.  This one is an example of how we use archive film both to gain new audiences and to get people thinking about community, environmental and many other issues in rural areas.

Pitch Pot Award: £1500

Priority: Screen Heritage + Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 30 + ongoing screenings


Afrika Eye – Film festival and community screening marketing

Afrika Eye is an annual Bristol-based African film festival. Pitch pot support will be used to increase and improve the quality of Afrika Eye’s digital content towards the marketing of the 2017 film festival. In so doing, Afrika Eye aim to expand engagement with younger digitally-dependent audiences and to develop the festival’s social media following across the age, socioeconomic and ethnicity demographics. Increased digital marketing is crucial to raise Afrika Eye’s profile and that of African film amongst South West audiences and the region’s film exhibition sector.

Pitch Pot Award: £1500

Priority: Young Audiences + Access & Inclusion

Admissions: 1,200


The Watermark – Cinema 16 – 30

Pitch Pot support is requested to support a strategic campaign to attract young audiences ages under 30 to the venue which are virtually non existent at The Watermark at present. This campaign would include trialling a more varied programme aimed at a younger demographic than the traditional audience of the venue, to include films such as God’s Own Country, and Demain. The Watermark will host a Chritmas party with a screening of Baby Driver while in tandem using pitch pot support to research and develop an under 30s £3 ticket offer to launch in the New Year.  In tandem We would take risks with programming and use the funding to market these films for which we would not normally have an audience due to their appeal to under 30s.  With advice from a marketing consultant the Watermark would use pitch pot support for marketing via channels popular with 16-30s including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. These channels would allow very specific and economical marketing to the specific audience we want to engage with both by age and geographically.

Pitch Pot Award: £1250

Priority: Young Audiences

Admissions: 250


Cinema For All – South West Viewing Days

The CfA South West Group (CfA SWG) Viewing Sessions (VS) are a bi-annual opportunity for those responsible for programming community cinemas throughout the South West region (Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and the Channel Islands) to see a programme of six films in one day, all of which are strong contenders for inclusion in forthcoming community cinema programmes. In this respect they are similar in content and intention to the ICO-promoted viewing days for independent exhibitors, but their focus is the voluntary sector working specifically with community cinemas. The delegates in attendance will be deciding the content of future community cinema programmes throughout the region, and so at one remove will be steering the experience of cinema of many hundreds, possibly thousands, of people who attend community cinema screenings largely because they offer the only convenient access to film in their locality (often located away from urban areas with plentiful commercial cinema provision). The Autumn 2017 VS will take place at Writhlington School, Radstock on 29th October and will be screening The Big Sick (Showalter / Gordon, US, 2017), Frantz (Ozon, France / Germany, 2016), Cameraperson (Johnston, US, 2017), After the Storm (Kore-eda, Japan, 2016), The Son of Joseph (Green, France / Belgium, 2016) and Lady Macbeth (Olroyd, Uk, 2016).

Pitch Pot Award: £600

Priority: Boosting reach of film titles & cultural engagement + Sector Development

Admissions: 125


Where West Begins – Audience Development Activity – Tawai Screening & Q&A

Westlands Entertainment Venue, Yeovil is a new multi-purpose venue that opened in March 2017 on the outskirts of Yeovil. It is operated by South Somerset District Council. Where West Begins has been growing the audience for screen events over the past six months, dealing with the issues that multi-purpose venues have (limited availability of screen, technical issues with equipment, marketing a new facility to a new audience). As part of ongoing audience development activity pitch pot funding will be used to support targeted social media marketing to reach young audiences ages 16 -30 and print distribution in the community for a special screening of Tawai plus a Q&A with Bruce Parry. Pitch pot support will also enable us to engage young audiences from two of the most deprived wards in the country by subsidised tickets to anyone on free school meals. This boosts the reach of the film, and encourages cultural engagement in film albeit around a topic and TV personality that many of the young people will be familiar with.

Pitch Pot Award: £500

Priority: Young Audiences + Boosting reach of film titles & cultural engagement

Admissions: 250


Ilfracombe Film Festival and Club – Targetted Social Media Campaigns for Audience Development Events

Ilfracombe Film Festival is a biannual event to make Ilfracombe a number one destination for film-goers across North Devon and the West Country.  Providing local people, living in very isolated rural/coastal communities, with the opportunity to see the kind of films they would rarely get a chance to see in a cinema bringing positive benefits to them and their families and friends.  With the second Festival coming up in April 2018 we want to increase the reach of our Social Media (Instagram and Facebook posts) for four audience development and fundraising events in the run up to the Festival. In addition to raising fund for the Festival we will use each event to gather audience data, promote the Festival, get ideas as to what people would like to see at the Festival and what would encourage them to participate as well as to identify other fundraising and sponsorship options. For details of upcoming events visit:

Pitch Pot Award: £300

Priority: Young Audiences + Boosting reach of film titles & cultural engagement

Admissions: 300


 The Wilson – DIY Cinema Club 

The Wilson would like to deliver a 12 month audience development project in co-production with Wilson Arts Collective, a group for young creative people aged 15 to 25 based at The Wilson. Pitch Pot support will enable the Collective to kickstart  a monthly art-house cinema club at The Wilson (‘The DIY Cinema Club’), between January – March 2018. This project will have a strong DIY ethos and will be immersive through its use of unusual settings within the venue to screen the films (think Exploding Cinema meets Secret Cinema). There will always be one feature film shown, accompanied by short films submitted by local filmmakers aged 15 to 25.

This project will leave a lasting legacy in the form of a regular film night at The Wilson aimed at a younger audience interested in art-house, independent and cult films, as well as local filmmakers wanting to screen their films.

Pitch Pot Award: £500

Priority: Young Audiences + Boosting reach of film titles & cultural engagement

Admissions: 100


Further information

  • Cinema Unbound: The Creative Worlds of Powell and Pressburger Read more
  • Supported Activity Read more

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