Member Meet-Ups Online

Members are invited to join exhibitors from across the South West and the Film Hub Team and the last Thursday morning of every month, for updates, news and opportunities, to ask questions about funding and anything else, to share knowledge, to access relevant training and resources, and to connect and catch up with one another.

Regularly attended by member organisations these sessions vary between informal check-ins  – an opportunity to share circumstances, concerns and offer advice  – and more focused sessions around a particular topic such as access and inclusion, programming, or audience development.


Members of Film Hub South West connecting online

*Please note, these meetings are for Film Hub Members. If you are not yet a member – find out more about joining here.

The topic for each up-coming session is shared on our Members’ Basecamp the week before and on our events page. If there is any other business you would like us to discuss or share, or a topic you would like to discuss, please get in touch with us at anytime.

To register to attend please get in touch with Neil Ramjee on Basecamp. Not on Basecamp? Email and request to be added.

You will receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting by 6 pm the day before.

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Film Hub Members’ Meeting (Online)


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Film Hub Members’ Meeting (Online)


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Film Hub Members’ Meeting (Online)


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