Arts Leadership Unit 2 #8 (What Happened on the project)

The project has been an absolute joy to work on, and at times very hard and demanding. I think on the whole our group did a fantastic job at pulling everything together to produce a successful series of screenings and a fun, intriguing, immersive finale. Here is a brief overview of what happened on the project:

I watched lots of Gothic horror films and noted my opinions to aid us in settling on a programme.

Cat People Wickerman

House Frankenstein

We all put forward names for our season of films, settling on Flo Fitzgerald’s idea of calling it the ‘Corridor Sessions’.

After brainstorming and collecting ideas I communicated our basic set of intentions for the events to the Watershed Comm’s team for the online copy to go on the Watershed website and any visual ideas we had for the Late Night Flyer. We worked simultaneously on an online G-Doc I created to accumulate and discuss our thoughts, then refined it for the Comm’s team.

IdeasForWatershedComms – Live working G-Doc

GothicIdeasForWatershedCommsFinal – Final Summary of Ideas

I attended a meeting with Smith & Milton Creative Design Agency to discuss our flyer ideas and get a glimpse into professional designer and client meetings.

I kept up to date with all meeting notes and current objectives, keeping the entire team, Compass Presents and Watershed staff up to date with ideas and discussions and who was responsible for completing what. I also organised regular meet ups for the group to discuss progress, struggles and changes.


I produced a detailed and thorough document outlining all our plans for the immersive night, explaining what would happen where and when, using time lines and maps. This would be given to anyone with any involvement on the immersive night so that they had a clear view of what we where trying to achieve. I used an earlier version as the basis for discussion at the Watershed Ops meeting that we held, so any issues could be worked out.

The Shining.OP’s Doc 26.11.013 – Detailed info for Immersive event

The Operations meeting was was a great opportunity to meet any of the staff that we had not previously encountered as well as work out lots of the finer details, raising any concerns ect. I was really nervous before hand but, as the meeting progressed I felt like I had a really good grasp on the project and had come well prepared.

To make sure things where moving along and tasks where not being forgotten, I regularly checked on the progress of team members, checking we where all on track and where receiving the support we needed from each other to complete the tasks.

Screenshot 2014-01-11 16.18.28

I personally designed all the signage for the event, Its a shame we didn’t have more budget for this as I would really of liked to make something special and slightly more impress, however it didn’t seam to make sense to spend it all on printing and was not as important as other elements to for creating the right atmosphere for the night.

Signage complilation

Previous to the event, I had hoped we could send out a themed email that I had designed, I felt it was important to stand out from the other Watershed emails and begin the anticipation for the night by really capturing the imagination of our audience by treating them as a hotel guest. Unfortunately my skills are limited in HTML so I wouldn’t have been able to carry the task out on my own and we had no budget to pay for the extra time of professionals. Below is my original idea for the email, although we didn’t manage to send this version out, we did get to personalise the email a fair amount and include our own copy.

Overlook Email