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  Watershed Council of Management Report 2011

Tue 1 March 2011

Report of Watershed's Council of Management and consolidated financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2011.

Exeter Ideas lab

Posted on Tue 6 Dec 2011

Electric December Award Winners!

Posted on Fri 2 Dec 2011

  John Gray and Will Self - JG Ballard

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Philosopher John Gray and author Will Self discuss JG Ballard's work, his cities and his legacy.

A Hawk and A Hacksaw live rescore of seminal Soviet classic

Posted on Tue 29 Nov 2011

We are very excited to welcome New Mexico's roving folk duo A Hawk and A Hacksaw (accordionist/drummer Jeremy Barnes and violinist Heather Trost) to Watershed this weekend. They are here to present a brand new live rescore of Soviet director Sergei Paradjanov's classic film Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors.

Electric December goes live this week

Posted on Mon 28 Nov 2011

Electric December returns this Thursday, ready to make December just that little bit more joyous, with an outstanding online showcase of 24 short films from across Europe - one for each day of advent at the trailer below to get a glimpse of the great work that's waiting for you to watch from 1 Dec.

DepicT! 2011 Winners

Posted on Mon 21 Nov 2011

Following a fantastic buzz at the DepicT! Showcase in the afternoon, filmmakers and guests gathered on the evening of Sat 19 Nov for the 17th Bristol Encounters International Film Festival Awards Ceremony hosted by Peter Carlton to learn who'd scooped this year's DepicT! competition prizes.Out of a dizzying 500 films from 30 countries, 14 tiny films were shortlisted for their distinctive, imaginative and engaging qualities.


Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

With the proliferation of screens now entering the living room, how do television makers use this new technology to their advantage?

  Directors UK Present: Bruce Robinson

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

'Withnail & I' director Bruce Robinson discusses his work, his life, and his latest film, 'The Rum Diary'.

  The Programmer's Fear of Missing the Masterpiece

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Mark Cosgrove, Artistic Director of Encounters Film Festival and Watershed's Head of Programme, gives an insight into the mind of the programmer.