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South West Artists Residencies 2010

Project Ended in June 2010

Two artists residencies that combined art, pervasive technologies, and culture, which focused on the development of digital practice.

  Decalogue 2003: Touching the Void

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Dr Angela Piccini discusses the impact and significance of this stand out mountaineering docu-drama from 2003.

  Cannes Film Festival 2010

Posted on Mon 30 Oct 2017

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed's Head of Programme, talks about his trip to the film festival.

  Eyes Wide Open - Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A discussion with the film's director about his study of homosexual love in in an orthodox Jewish community.

  She, A Chinese: John Parish Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Composer and musician John Parish talks about creating the score for Xiaolu Guo's award winning debut feature film.

Magic and all that is ascribed to it

Project Ended in May 2010

The journal of an artists residency investigating contemporary digital techniques to reinvent authentic early stage illusions with a magical modern element.

  The Passion of Joan of Arc

Posted on Tue 31 Oct 2017

Adrian Utley (Portishead) and Will Gregory (Goldfrapp) discuss their new score for this classic film from 1928.

  Decalogue 2002: Russian Ark

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Professor Ian Christie introduces 2002's Russian Ark, a dreamlike film shot in one single take that spans 300 year of Russian culture and history.

  No Greater Love - Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Q&A with the maker of this documentary which offers a rare insight into the cloistered way of life of a closed monastery of Carmelite nuns.


Project Ended in April 2010

eShed was a Bristol-based community and website for young people aged 14-21 who love film and media.

Young Leaders Volunteer Programme

Project Ended in April 2010

Two new scores for Alice in Wonderland (1903), and two documentaries about the workshops, originated by a group of sixteen Young Leaders.