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Nature of Mind

Project Ended in February 2009

Recordings from a Watershed event as part of The Fragmented Orchestra – a geographically distributed performance spanning music, art and science.

Bristol Bhangra Facedances

Project Ended in February 2009

Lively and entertaining video portraits of peoples’ faces filmed whilst listening to Bhangra music.

  Pratfalls, Double Takes and Banana Skins

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A discussion between master animators Peter Lord, Barry Purves and Richard Williams on the laughter inherent in watching someone fall over!

  Paul Merton

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

eShed interviews comedian and television presenter Paul Merton on how he got involved in television.

  Esther May Campbell

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Award winning writer/director Esther May Campbell discusses her experiences as an emerging filmmaker with Mark Cosgrove, Encounters Festival's Creative Director.

  Paddy Considine Interview

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Paddy Considine, BAFTA-winning short film director and leading British actor, in an on stage interview at Watershed with author Richard T. Kelly.

  Brands and Filmmakers: Shall We Dance?

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Shooting People Creative Director James Mullighan hosts this exploration of trends and techniques in involving brands in film and television making.

  Digital Distribution: A Peek in to the Crystal Ball

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A group effort to get to the facts of digital distribution. How, when, where and why to place your film: possibilities, platforms, pitfalls, players and revenue generators.

  Joanna Quinn: Desert Island Flicks

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Highly acclaimed British animator Joanna Quinn presents clips from films which have inspired and intrigued her.

John Smith: Hotel Diaries

Project Ended in November 2008

An award-winning experimental filmmaker who is noted for his use of humour in his films, which typically explore the medium of filmmaking itself

Between Heaven and Hell: The Films of Ulrich Seidl

Project Ended in October 2008

In 2008 Watershed celebrated the work of Austrian director, writer, and producer Ulrich Seidl with this microsite.