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Top 10 Cinema Sellers of 2023

Posted on Mon 8 Jan

Our technicolor Christmas tree has been taken down and our festive cocktails have been retired for another year: 2023 went out with a bang and 2024 is well under way.

  Watershed Cinema Podcast January 2024

Posted on Thu 28 Dec 2023

In this episode Cinema Steph and Stef from Comms are joined by Bristol-based film critic Nathan Hardie to talk highlights of the New Year.

  Cinema Podcast December 2023

Posted on Mon 4 Dec 2023

In this episode Stef and Steph are joined by Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove to discuss their top for (or five) films of 2023.

Grounding technologies


2023's Grounding Technologies was a pilot project exploring how creative technology can be used to support climate action.

 Watershed Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove, reflects on the changing nature of film exhibition 

Posted on Thu 30 Nov 2023 by Mark Cosgrove

On the day that one of the commercial cinema spaces in the city is sadly closing, Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator reflects on the changing cinema exhibition landscape...

  Watershed CEO's Response to Bristol City Council’s Openness funding proposal 

Posted on Tue 28 Nov 2023 by Clare Reddington

Clare Reddington, Watershed CEO, reflects on the proposal and shares the many ways we deliver on the city's mission

Watershed crafts its very own stout in partnership with New Bristol Brewery.

Posted on Fri 17 Nov 2023

New stout based on the Watershed favourite Espresso Brownie. Available now for a limited time only.

  Watershed Cinema Podcast November 2023

Posted on Thu 26 Oct 2023

In this episode Stef from Comms and Cinema Steph talk about vocal fry, an exciting Q&A with Joanna Hogg and trying to record a podcast despite a helicopter flying overhead!

Announcing two MyWorld Fashion Fellowships in Residence

Posted on Thu 26 Oct 2023

We are delighted to announce two Fellowships in Residence, as part of MyWorld, with Bath Spa University and Fashion Museum Bath.

 Mujer with a Movie Camera: A season of films by female directors from Latin America 

Posted on Mon 23 Oct 2023 by Lorena Pino

In this article MA Curating placement student and Mujer with a Movie Camera Season Curator Lorena Pino Montilla explains the process behind creating her season.

In conversation with award-winning comedian and Studio Resident Victoria Melody

Posted on Wed 18 Oct 2023

Head Set hits Watershed on Tue 31 Oct.