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 What is the role of a cultural organisation during Black History Month? 

Posted on Mon 16 Oct 2017 by Zahra Ash-Harper

Zahra Ash-Harper, Watershed Producer, reflects on her year at Watershed working on inclusion and the practical steps we are making, plus asks wider questions about Black History Month and the role of cultural organisations during this time...

 Our approach to business support for creatives 

Posted on Fri 13 Oct 2017 by Rachael Burton

Many of the people we work with have developed their ideas into successful and sustainable businesses. However, the leap from creative idea to sustainable business is a really big one. We are exploring how we can support artists and small creative businesses through this challenging journey of business development. We are at the start of the journey, and want to share our current thinking.

Fancy a film-themed Christmas Party?

Posted on Thu 12 Oct 2017

Are you still looking for a place to host your Christmas party? Perhaps you’ve wanted to have a James Bond, Harry Potter, Top Gun, Star Wars or other film-themed bash? Then look no further – our movie-mad Events team are here to help you put on an A-list night to remember with our Christmas Party Package.

 Family Arts  

Posted on Tue 3 Oct 2017

Watershed develops family audiences for cultural film through cross-art form programming and collaboration.

BFI Film Academy Bristol


The film and television industry in the UK is thriving but a skills shortage and lack of diversity within the sector threaten to undermine it's future. The BFI Film Academy identifies and nurtures young talent to help the sector continue to thrive.

  Daphne: Directors Q&A

Posted on Tue 3 Oct 2017

Director Peter Mackie Burns discusses Daphne, his striking drama which follows the life of an early-thirties Londoner who goes off the rails after witnessing a random act of violence.

  Impact Report 2016/2017

Read about how Watershed supporters encourage innovation, enable talented young people to gain confidence and share their experiences, and ensure our cinema programme sustains its depth and richness and remains accessible for all to enjoy.

Filmmakers from Mexico, France and the UK share DepicT! Awards

Posted on Fri 29 Sept 2017

Filmmakers from Mexico, France and the UK shared the glory in this year's DepicT! – Watershed’s 90 second filmmaking competition - at this year’s Encounters Short Film...

  October 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Thu 28 Sept 2017

October 2017's podcast focusses on the upcoming Festival of the Future City at Watershed.

 An interview with Sharon Clark, writer/creator of Ice Road 

Posted on Wed 27 Sept 2017

Raucous (who brought the critically acclaimed theatre show The Stick House to Bristol in 2015) open their brand-new show Ice Road next Monday (2 October) so we thought you might be interested in this interview between Claire Skelcey, Head of Communications and Sharon Clark, Creative Director of Raucous.

  The Last Blues Song of a Lost Afronaut

Posted on Tue 26 Sept 2017

An immersive theatre piece, developed as part of our 2016 Artist in Residence programme, in which protagonist Afronaut Femi travels through space in search of life on other planets.