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Announcing Artful Innovation - our new business development programme

Posted on Tue 14 Feb 2017

Storytelling chocolate, new musical instruments, robotic art, social design and futures consulting, meet the companies participating in Artful Innovation™, Watershed’s new business development programme.

 Thoughts on Moonlight 

Posted on Wed 8 Feb 2017 by Edson Burton

Edson Burton shares his thoughts on Moonlight... "a story told through the eyes of the Other amongst Others..."

  Free Fire: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Director Ben Wheatley discusses Free Fire, his 2017 all-guns-blazing '70s crime caper.

Talking about my generation… Announcing 20 Stories From Britain's Youth

Posted on Mon 6 Feb 2017

We are thrilled to announce that award-winning Bristol-based author Nikesh Shukla is collaborating with Watershed’s team of young journalists behind Rife Magazine on their very own book! And now we need your help to get this brilliant idea off the ground…

  February 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Thu 11 May 2017

What is it about new film Moonlight that is so extraordinary? Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, and Edson Burton and Lize Chege from curators collective Come The Revolution, discuss this much anticipated new release.

Response to Bristol City Council budget

Posted on Thu 12 Jan 2017

The Mayor and his Cabinet are having to make very difficult decisions to address budget cuts which are affecting local authorities across the country. Bristol is a vibrant city and we are committed to working with the Mayor to make Bristol both successful and inclusive.

Watershed Top 10 Sellers of 2016

Posted on Fri 6 Jan 2017

2016 is over, and 2017 is here. As we start a new year, here’s a quick run down of our top sellers, and what the year in film at Watershed looked like…

  January 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Thu 11 May 2017

A look ahead at some of the film highlights coming up in early 2017 at Watershed.

Bristol has the highest concentration of Beasts (of Balance) in the world

Posted on Wed 7 Dec 2016

An exciting new kind of digital and physical game, developed in Bristol with help from Watershed, Bath university researchers and a group of local 8-12 year olds, has hit the shelves of John Lewis and Harrods in time for Christmas!

Warm Up at Watershed

Posted on Wed 30 Nov 2016

There's no denying it - it's getting colder outside and... it must be nearly Christmas! Here at Watershed we'd like to ease you into the festive season with a warm welcome in the Café/Bar.

Giving Tuesday: a day for giving

Posted on Tue 29 Nov 2016

Forget the excesses and consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday – Tue 29 Nov, was #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, and it's the perfect antidote to the two biggest shopping days of the year.