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Watershed announced as Creative Climate Leaders 2023 by Julie's Bicycle

Posted on Wed 15 Feb 2023

Pioneering not-for-profit organisation Julie’s Bicycle have announced Watershed as part of their Creative Climate Leadership (CCL) programme - an international training and transformation programme to empower artists and cultural professionals to take action on the climate and ecological crisis with impact, creativity, and resilience.

Announcing Experimental Audio Camp residential

Posted on Wed 8 Feb 2023

We are super excited to launch our Experimental Audio Camp as part of MyWorld. Apply now to spend three-days in residence at Real World Studios deeply embedded in creative sound production, working collectively to create an original audio work.

Six creative teams win £45K Watershed Playable City commission to build prototypes that connect people to their city

Posted on Mon 6 Feb 2023

The projects place play at the heart of the city, sparking imagination and conversation about inclusion, sustainability, surveillance and the future of cities. 

  February 2023 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 1 Feb 2023

A look forward to the cinematic month ahead at Watershed, the upcoming Japan Foundation Touring Programme and Reflections and Refractions: Gender on Screen.

Some good news for cinema lovers and creative talent across the South West 

Posted on Wed 1 Feb 2023

Watershed is delighted to be one of 11 organisations across the UK to be awarded National Lottery Funding from the BFI.

Introducing our Winter Residency Artists 2023

Posted on Mon 30 Jan 2023

Following an open call for our Winter Residencies programme we’re excited to introduce the three recipient artists. Responding to the theme of ‘Making the World Differently...

 Reflections and Refractions: Gender on Screen 

Posted on Fri 27 Jan 2023 by Harriet Taylor

Harriet Taylor discusses her upcoming season, Reflections and Refractions: Gender on Screen.

  January 2023 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 28 Dec 2022

Mark Cosgrove and Steph Read look ahead to the start of 2023 and share thoughts on a range of different types of cinema – from celebrations of film to art activism.

 Have your say -  Cultural Investment in Bristol  

Posted on Thu 8 Dec 2022 by Clare Reddington

Bristol City Council are currently consulting on cuts to their budget, including proposed cuts to the Cultural Investment Programme.

  December 2022 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Mon 28 Nov 2022

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, and guests reflect on a strange year for cinema and look back at the standout films and events of the year.

Twitter times – how you can stay in touch

Posted on Fri 18 Nov 2022

Another quiet day on the internet.