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Bristol's Young People Take Over

Posted on Tue 18 Feb 2014

  Bristol Talent Lab

Posted on Mon 30 Oct 2017

We assembled a diverse, innovative team of young Bristol people to devise a new online platform for youth.

  8 Minutes Idle Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

The film's makers come together to talk about shooting a low-budget feature in Bristol.

Second international Playable City Award is now open

Posted on Mon 10 Feb 2014

We are delighted to announce that the call for submissions for the Playable City Award 2014 is now open. Artists and creatives from around the world are invited to propose new ideas that will challenge the screen-based clichés of a smart city, and respond instead to cities as playable, open and configurable spaces.

8 Minutes Idle opens on Valentine’s Day with Director’s Q+A

Posted on Tue 4 Feb 2014

A darkly romantic comedy set in Bristol opens at Watershed on Valentine's Day after local filmmakers raised enough cash for nationwide distribution through crowdfunding via Kickstarter.Based on a novel by Bristol writer Matt Thorne, the film is a black comedy about a man whose life is so awful he moves into the call centre where he works. Bristol is as much of a character as the cast of rising British talent, with plenty of scope for local location spotting.

  Colourful: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Prolific Japanese animation director Keiichi Hara talks about making this animated film about teen suicide and reincarnation.

Slavery and Public History

Posted on Wed 29 Jan 2014

A T Bone Filmic Feast

Posted on Wed 29 Jan 2014

Musical multi-hyphenate T Bone Burnett is a man of many talents. He has toured with Bob Dylan, produced albums for the likes of Roy Orbison, Elvis Costello, Alison Krauss and Elton John, enjoyed a successful recording career and won 13 Grammys and an Oscar®.

  Watershed Council of Management Report 2013

Tue 1 Oct 2013

Report of Watershed's Council of Management and consolidated financial statements—Year ended 31 March 2013.

  Slavery on Screen

Posted on Tue 7 Nov 2017

Dr Edson Burton and Adam H. Murray hold an open discussion about filmic depictions of slavery following a screening of 12 Years a Slave.

  The Man Who Got Carter

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

A talk about Michael Klinger, the most successful independent British producer of the 1960s and 70s.