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Presenting the DepicT! '15 Jury Panel Members...

Posted on Thu 30 July 2015

We are proud to announce the stellar jury panel of industry experts for DepicT!, Watershed’s super short filmmaking competition.

New contributors announced for No Boundaries

Posted on Wed 15 July 2015

No Boundaries 2015, the annual conference exploring the role of arts and culture in contemporary society, happening at Watershed and partner venue HOME in Manchester, is delighted to announce their second wave of contributors for the industry’s annual conference.

A Watershed welcome for young people - £4.50 any day anytime

Posted on Thu 9 July 2015

On Friday 3 July we introduced a brand new young peoples ticket - anyone aged 24 or under can see any film at Watershed, at any time, on any day, for just £4.50 – and we are delighted that the number of young people who came to see brilliant world cinema for less than a fiver over the weekend nearly doubled.

Rife Magazine celebrates 1st Birthday with two new projects

Posted on Tue 7 July 2015

It's been exactly a year since Rife Magazine went live with one mission – to be a mouthpiece for the young people of Bristol and create a magazine that was everything young people are – funny, passionate, curious, interested, contentious, silly, edgy, slightly off-key – and by golly, they've worked hard to do this. How far has Rife come? Happy birthday, Rife Magazine.

Watershed's first annual donor event

Posted on Wed 1 July 2015

We held our first annual donor Thank You event on Tue 30 June, where our donors were given a deeper insight into Watershed and the opportunity to learn more about the impact of their support. They met Watershed staff, artists in residence and some of the young people we work with.

DepicT! '14 Winner's Journey - June

Posted on Mon 22 June 2015

Each year, we challenge filmmakers from around the world to create an original and imaginative super short film of 90 seconds or under for our unique filmmaking competition, DepicT!. Last year's competition was dominated by UK filmmaker Daniel Chisholm, who we caught up with to hear about what he's been up to after his big win, nine months on.

Bristol producer screens her remarkable film at Watershed

Posted on Wed 10 June 2015

Leave to Remain’s producer Kate Cook, who grew up in Nailsea, is returning to Bristol on Sun 21 June to screen her film as part of national Refugee Week, which helps celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK. Kate will be here for a Q+A, so you can ask about her own journey to becoming a top class independent film producer.

Meet the Urbanimals! Winner of the Playable City Award

Posted on Mon 8 June 2015

We are delighted to announce the winner of the 2015 international Playable City Award, Urbanimals, created by the Laboratory for Architectural Experiments, LAX, based in Poland.

A society from the ashes: celebrating Masters of Iranian Cinema

Posted on Mon 8 June 2015

Nariman Massoumi, Senior Lecturer in Film & Television Studies at Bath Spa University, writes about the political and cultural context to films in our upcoming Masters of Iranian Cinema season.

Say hello to our New and Emerging Talent Residents...

Posted on Tue 2 June 2015

Following our open call for Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio New and Emerging Talent Residencies programme we are delighted to announce that robotics startup co-founder Samantha Payne, game designer and producer Roz Dean and composer and designer Thomas Williams will be joining us for three months from July to explore ideas related to creative technology.

Balancing access and sustainability: new ticket price structure at Watershed

Posted on Tue 26 May 2015

Here at Watershed we are proud that our cinema programme showcases the new, the old, the unusual and the unexpected. To help sustain this work, increase access and give everyone the opportunity to discover something new, there will be a small increase in our ticket prices – and we are pleased to introduce a brand new young peoples’ ticket.