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Julie's Bicycle Environmental Data Lab

Posted on Tue 15 July 2014

This autumn, we are delighted to be partnering with the nice folk at Julie’s Bicycle to host a two-day Environmental Data Lab at the Pervasive Media Studio, and right now we are looking for creative practitioners to take part.Julie’s Bicycle aim to make sustainability intrinsic to the creative industries. Founded by the music industry, with expertise from the arts and the green community, they work to bridge the gap between the creative industries and sustainability.

dS transforms the way science is taught in schools

Posted on Wed 2 July 2014

In October 2013 danceroom Spectroscopy worked with Bristol's Fairfield High School and Dr David Glowacki to design a new educational experience for Year 9 school groups. The four new videos were made for the Royal Society of Chemistry and explain atmospheric molecular structure; molecular motion; solids, liquids and gases; and molecular vibrations.

ACE NPO Announcement

Posted on Tue 1 July 2014

Rife Magazine - new online platform now launched

Posted on Tue 17 June 2014

We are delighted to announce that Rife Magazine, an online platform by young people for young people, has officially launched at covering, events, local news and social issues. A partnership between Watershed and Bristol Youth Links, Rife currently employs four young journalists to curate the online magazine and ensure the stories are relevant and interesting to other young people like them.

Recife: The Playable City celebratory film released

Posted on Wed 11 June 2014

Recife: The Playable City in April was a fantastic cultural exchange between Watershed and Brazil’s Porto Digital. It brought together practitioners from the UK and Brazil to explore how play can shape the future of our cities. Watershed produced the programme in partnership with the British Council and Brazilian technology park Porto Digital. We’re now delighted to announce the release of a short film that shares what happened:

Ken Loach delights Bristol audiences with his final film

Posted on Wed 4 June 2014

Legendary director Ken Loach visited Watershed on Monday for a sell out screening of his latest film, Jimmy’s Hall. He claims this will be his final major film and is ready to take some much needed rest and recuperation.

An away day with a conscience...

Posted on Thu 22 May 2014

In the Real Cinematic World

Posted on Tue 13 May 2014