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We are open

Posted on Fri 13 March 2020

Here at Watershed the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers are our number one concern.

Watershed & MAYK present: Art & Climate, Winter Residencies Showcase

Posted on Thu 5 March 2020

Join us for a free Art & Climate Showcase event to experience the new work created by Watershed & MAYK’s Winter Artists in Residence - Xavier Velastin, Robbie Thomson, Ella Good and Nicki Kent.

Cinema Rediscovered 2020 Early Bird Passes Now on Sale

Posted on Wed 4 March 2020

Cinema Rediscovered is back for an expanded five days for its 5th edition taking place in and around Bristol from Wed 22 - Sun 26 July 2020. Join us for the finest digital restorations, contemporary classics and film print rarities back where they belong - on the big screen.

Submissions are now open for Depict ’20

Posted on Wed 4 March 2020

Submissions are now open for Depict ’20 – Watershed’s ultra-short film competition part of Encounters Film Festival committed to uncovering emerging filmmaking talent since 1998. We’re calling for creatives from around the world to submit their shorts of 90 seconds or under to be considered for this year’s shortlist and awards.

The nights are getting lighter and brighter…

Posted on Fri 28 Feb 2020

Bristol Light Festival lights up the city – and includes work from Pervasive Media Studio residents

Creative Workforce for the Future  

Posted on Thu 16 Jan 2020

Developing both industry employment practices embracing inclusion and diversity and nurturing young talent.

Top 10 sellers of 2019

Posted on Fri 10 Jan 2020

Farewell 2019, hello 2020. As we embark on a new decade, we thought we’d take a few moments to take a look back at the past year and share our top 10 cinema hits of 2019.

Watershed hosts European Cinema Night

Posted on Wed 4 Dec 2019

Watershed was one of only two cinemas in the UK to host this year’s edition of European Cinema Night with last night’s special free preview of the German arthouse hit System Crasher followed by a Q&A with the film’s producer Frauke Kolbmüller.

Update on our building plans...

Posted on Wed 4 Dec 2019

With new funding confirmed and initial designs signed off, the first phase of Watershed’s development plans are gathering pace.

A Day for Giving?

Posted on Tue 3 Dec 2019

Forget the excesses and consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday – Tue 3 Dec is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, the perfect antidote to the two biggest shopping days of the year.

Culture declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency

Posted on Thu 17 Oct 2019

Today, Watershed, Bristol Old Vic and Colston Hall have signed up to the growing global community of  arts and culture champions  declaring a  climate and ecological  emergency.