production image from Squidsoup's Ghosts
Project Ended in October 2002

Ghosts is a digital sculpture that preserves forever the transitory fragments of digital conversations.

Screenshot from A Personal History of Corruption by Joe Magee
Project Ended in September 2002

This playful online artwork by Joe Magee toys with the idea of interaction and corruption.

Painting of a humming bird
Project Ended in August 2002

A web project from 2002 in which young people offered personal, creative responses to the sustainable development of our planet.

Duncan Speakman  production of Formality
Project Ended in April 2002

Duncan Speakman, recipient of the 4th Clark Bursary, presents his ideas exploring human communication through digital systems.

Image from Sweet Home by Ana Bilankov
Project Ended in March 2002

A short film and installation by artist Ana Bilankov as a result of a residency project at Watershed in 2002.

Image of a web site homepage with 12 small icons of coloured envelopes
Project Ended in December 2000

An Art and ICT collaborative web project from 2000 showcasing the art work of children from one secondary, one junior, one infant and five primary schools in South Bristol. 

Part of ten drummers drumming from
Project Ended in December 2000

In 2000, children from Bristol schools created twelve pieces of web art based on the Twelve Days of Christmas song.

Image from Afterworld by Simon Poulter
Project Ended in August 2000

Artist Simon Poulter created Afterworld, a series of six works investigating online and offline culture, for the Clark/DA2 Bursary.

Still from Philip Walkers Holding Tank
Project Ended in June 2000

A moving image work by artist Philip Walker exploring his relationship with the imaginary physical space of the television screen.

Image fo Transparent Room by Michael Pinsky
Project Ended in March 1999

A gallery installation at Watershed in 1999 projecting time-lapsed views from in and around Watershed into a 3D space.

Production shot from Invisible Geographies
Project Ended in March 1999

Mongrel were awarded the 1999 Clark Digital Bursary to explore the social geographies of two cities using their own software.

Wingwalkers website screenshot
Project Ended in October 1998

A multimedia installation and website from 1998 exploring peoples’ experiences of and emotional responses to flying.

Still from Lewis' film from Include
Project Ended in August 1998

Include is an enchanting collection of images made by young people excluded from mainstream education using light and a camera.

Photo of Guerilla Dance Project
Project Ended in June 2011

Two residencies that enable artists to produce experimental works in a collaborative environment.

Short Cuts Logo
Project Ended in November 2010

A Watershed led filmmaking programme which enabled young people across Bristol to make and showcase three short films.

Tracing Light © Tine Bech 2008
Project Ended in June 2010

Two artists residencies that combined art, pervasive technologies, and culture, which focused on the development of digital practice.

Illustration of a magician
Project Ended in May 2010

The journal of an artists residency investigating contemporary digital techniques to reinvent authentic early stage illusions with a magical modern element.

Electric Cinema logo
Project Ended in December 2009

Electric Cinema showcased a monthly programme of short films from Watershed’s range of work from 2005 through to 2009.